BBA 2021-24
My journey at ASB has been an enriching one . It has provided me with all the best opportunities possible to build my overall personality. This institution has helped and supported me at every step that I took here. It has given me a platform to explore my hidden talents. I participated in Young Asian Brand Master Competition 2021 which was organized by the college during our Orientation Week in October 2021, with continuous support from everyone reached the TOP 2 and finally grabbed the title of ‘ Young Asian Brand Master 2021’. Apart from this, with constant support, motivation and guidance from my faculties, batchmates, juniors and seniors I was recognized as the Student of the Month- February’24. This has further motivated to always keep trying and give my 100% to whatever I do in my carrier ahead. Lastly , I would like to thank all the heads of the institution, faculties and last but not the least the non- teaching staff also for always being there to support me whenever required .