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Tree Plantation Drive “Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam”

The Asian School of Business (ASB) is set to conduct a tree plantation drive on 17th September 2024, aligning with the “Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam” campaign initiated by the Government of India and supported by AICTE. This event aims to underscore the importance of environmental sustainability and the necessity of enhancing green cover within the campus and surrounding areas. As climate change continues to pose significant challenges globally, initiatives like this serve as crucial steps toward fostering a greener future.

Objectives: The primary objectives of the tree plantation drive are manifold. First and foremost, the event seeks to raise awareness among participants about the critical role of afforestation in mitigating climate change. By planting trees, participants will gain firsthand experience of their importance in improving air quality, supporting biodiversity, and providing shade. Additionally, the drive aims to instill a sense of social responsibility among students and faculty, emphasizing that individual actions contribute significantly to broader environmental goals. Finally, the event will encourage the development of teamwork and leadership skills, as participants collaborate on planting activities and engage in discussions about sustainable practices.

Expected Outcomes: This initiative is anticipated to lead to a significant enhancement of the ASB campus’s greenery, creating a more inviting and eco-friendly atmosphere. Beyond the physical impact, the drive is expected to heighten awareness about the importance of environmental conservation within the ASB community. Participants will leave with a renewed commitment to sustainable practices, understanding that their collective efforts can make a meaningful difference in addressing environmental challenges. Overall, this tree plantation drive exemplifies ASB’s commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility and reinforces the institution’s dedication to educating future leaders about the importance of caring for the environment.

ASB aims to inspire a culture of sustainability that resonates beyond the campus, encouraging all stakeholders to contribute actively to ecological preservation. Together, we can create lasting change for future generations.