Dr. Gurdeep Singh Raina
Director, Asian Education Group

The way things are shaping up, there will always be a demand for business graduates. Through BBA course, students can gain knowledge of business practices and processes, understand the role of economics in the world marketplace and acquire an awareness of global business issues.

At Asian School of Business, our aim is to groom future leaders and managers. These business leaders and independent management thinkers are the ones who constantly and fervently try to make a difference in the lives of their fellow human beings.

The faculty at ASB have a rich blend of academic and corporate experience and use the teaching pedagogy which helps you visualize the management concept for it to be successfully applied in the corporate world. The mentoring process adopted by the faculty mentors helps you recognize your strengths and improve upon your weaknesses as well as make you understand your area of interest.

We at Asian School of Business (ASB) seek to make it a model by improving upon the various suggestions from experts with regard to the blending of the various teaching methodologies to meet the need of the corporate and business sectors.

In our country, we have immense talent among the youth and all that is required is to guide and bring out the best in them. The paramount thrust is to create an international academic bridge by blending the advanced knowledge and modern teaching tools of the West with the rich traditional values, culture and heritage of the East.

I welcome all those who are going to share the feeling of satisfaction with the success of ASB and thank ones who have extended and would continue to extend their valued support in achieving our mission.