Mr. Vishwajeet ParasharSr. Vice President-MarketingBajaj Capital LtdDate of Visit: 26th July 2012 Mr. Vishwajeet Parashar is the Senior Vice President and Head – Marketing at Bajaj Capital. In his role, he has been responsible for formulating the marketing strategy of the firm innovatively, which has successfully resulted in winning new clients and retaining the existing […]
Ms. Pooja Gyanchandani
Ms. Pooja GyanchandaniDirector & Head – Skills DevelopmentFICCIDate of Visit: 25th July 2012 Pooja Gianchandani is Director and Head for Skills Development with FICCI, India’s leading policy advocacy organization which is at the forefront of social, political and economic change. Ms. Gianchandani’s experience includes a unique blend of international, technical and management experience in both […]
Mr. Kavee Kumar
Country HeadGlobe Capital Marketing Ltd.Date of Visit: 25th July 2012 Kavee Kumar has been associated with the capital markets from past two decades and has been instrumental in many structural and environmental change which has happened in the capital markets in the past two decades He was one of the 1st few person who joined […]
Asian Business School Has emerged as Finest College
25th July: Noida. “We need lots of improvement in our education system and especially the infrastructure to give correct and balanced education. Out of 22000 colleges in India Asian Business School has emerged as one of the finest setup now” said Dr. Bhisham Narayan Singh Former Governor of Tamil Nadu and Union Minister while inaugurating […]
Interface-Visit to Mother Dairy
The students had studied the ‘Food and Beverages Industry’ in Production and Operations. To understand and gain first-hand experience on “Supply Chain” and “Quality Assurance” a visit was planned to ‘Mother Dairy’ on 20th April 2012 for 3rd Trimester students of PGDM. The students were made to understand the competitive marketing strategy in milk industry […]
Hungarian Film Festival
Director of Hungarian Information and Cultural Centre Mr. Tibor Kovacs inaugurated the ‘Hungarian Film Festival’ at Asian Business School, Marwah Studios-II. Elite media fraternity at the institute joined hands to ensure the success of the festival which was scheduled for 72 hours, from 18th April to 20th April 2012. The films from all eras, 19th […]
Budget Session at Asian Business School
The LIVE telecast of the Union Budget was students of Asian Business School observed, evaluated by the students and teachers of Asian Business School. They participated in the complete analysis of the Union Budget 2012 from basics to business; understanding the implications of the budget for a common man, a home maker or a sector […]
Media Seminar at Asian Business School
A one day seminar was hosted by Asian Business School on 29th February 2012, the theme of the seminar being “Digital Media – Opportunities and Challenges for Management”. Convergence in new media has brought a change not only in the way we live, but also in the way we think. It has become an organ […]
Sandeep Marwah Titled With ‘International Media Guru’
World Religious parliament has conferred title of recognition ‘Antarrashtriya Media Guru’ ( International media Guru) upon Sandeep Marwah, President Marwah Studios for his illustrious services in the field of films and television for more than two decades in particular and the world at large. The citation read out on the occasion says this parliament feels […]
All Rounder Achiever’s Award For Sandeep Marwah
All Rounder Achievers Award India 2011 was bestowed upon Sandeep Marwah today at a grand function at Sri Ram Auditorium in Delhi to highlight his achievements in the field of Media. Prominent personalities from different fields were present there to add on glamour to the award function. Marwah has created five international records. He has […]