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Mr. René Deceuninck, CEO & Founder at IPB Ltd & The Oxford Institute of Body Language, Oxford, UK presents an amazing, invaluable Live Interactive WEBINAR on ‘Importance of Body Language in Career Growth’ under the LEAD Lecture Series at Asian School of Business!

Mr. René Deceuninck, CEO & Founder at IPB Ltd and The Oxford Institute of Body Language, Oxford, UK presented an amazing, invaluable, engaging and highly informative Live Interactive WEBINAR on ‘Importance of Body Language in Career Growth’ at Asian School of Business (ASB) on Friday, 14th August 2020 at 3:30 pm for all BBA & BCA  students as part of its “Leadership & Entrepreneurial Aspiration Development (LEAD) Program”.

René Deceuninck is a Master in Body Language, motivational speaker, coach and trainer who runs an exclusive international company. Since 1995, René has been delivering enriching insights and results-oriented outcomes to his clients. René’s seminars, keynotes and trainings around the world are changing businesses with amazing levels of positive increase. He shared stages with Brian Tracy, Jairek Robbins and many other influential speakers. René is also hosting preview sessions for Anthony Robbins’ UPW Event. His clients are empowered with their new skills to read thoughts before one word is spoken, in meetings, in sales, and in everyday situations. As a result of this competitive edge, they optimize their performance, both personally & professionally as Full Body Language Experts.

A key initiative of Asian Education Group (AEG) – considered as the largest centre for professional media, IT, law, management, fashion & hospitality education in Asia with world-class facilities –  the webinar was followed by a lively Q&A Session with the honoured guest.

Organized under the aegis of its “Leadership & Entrepreneurial Aspiration Development (LEAD) Program”, the power-packed session commenced with a welcome note, followed by a brief introduction of the honoured guest by Dr. Supriya Srivastava on behalf of the AEG family. Thereafter, Mr. René Deceuninck took centre stage.

Mr. René Deceuninck commenced his session by thanking Dr. Supriya Srivastava for the “amazing introduction” and the AEG Family for having invited him for this talk with the new batch of ABS PGDM students. He then took his audience down his memory lane and retraced his birth, the ambience of his native town, his education, his joining the army, his coming over to UK and finally his settling down at Oxford, UK with the passion of his life, viz., “Importance of Body Language”.

Expounding upon the question of “Why Body Language?”, the master of the art, Mr. René Deceuninck said, “There are different types of communication and there are several types of Body language. What they all have in common, is they both will be influenced by certain conditions. These conditions will pull people towards you, or push them away from you. Sometimes words that can’t be pulled back you have communicated and you’re shocked. The tone and intonation will influence your body language and the other way around.”

Mr. René Deceuninck further stated that, “When you’re making a decision, it can be a rational or emotional decision, based on conscious signals or a subconscious reality, note that particular signals or realities will influence your Body Language. Your Verbal and Non-Verbal communication will influence the conscious and subconscious mind of the other person and will also decide the quality and results of any further communications, conversations or actions and results.” Therefore, according to Mr. René Deceuninck, one should strive to “become a mind through body reader, see what’s never being said.” They should “Analyse – Process – Transform – Breakthrough and become an Expert.”

Subsequently, Mr. René Deceuninck opened the session for questions from the eager students. As expected, there was a series of questions put forward by students on the topic of “Body Language”. The much experienced guest speaker answered them all most authoritatively and to the utmost satisfaction of all participants.

Thereafter, this amazing, invaluable, engaging and highly informative Live Interactive WEBINAR on ‘Importance of Body Language in Career Growth’ with the Master in Body Language, Mr. René Deceuninck came to an end.
