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Model G20 Summit– 2.0

The Human Values and Counselling Cell (HVCC) at Asian School of Business organized Model G20 Summit– 2.0 Summit at the campus on 20th March, 2024. This gave an opportunity to students to develop a deep understanding and asked for their contribution as individuals and responsible citizens to the peace and goodwill throughout the world. The activity also helped students to explore and work upon their Negotiation Skills, Influential Speaking, Collaboration and Team Strategy Skills. The theme for the event was “LiFe: Lifestyle for Environment” where student involved in all three tracks presented their negotiations keeping in mind the idea of sustainability and how from the financial perspective this is going to help the G20 Countries. The Leader’s track negotiated on the “Sustainability and Waste Management from the Entrepreneurial perspective”. The delegates of the Finance Track negotiated on “Financial Inclusion for Public- Private Partnerships” and the delegates of the Sherpa Track negotiated on the “Presence of Artificial Intelligence for the working population today”. There were 63 delegations and a team of 20 members from the organising committee. The event was a successful simulation of the Summit where students were able to acquire the skills that are an essential to make them confident and influential in their speaking.

The students were able to learn the skill of presenting negotiations as world leaders and were able to develop the

Objective: The activity was undertaken with the thoughtful motive to develop a sense of stewardship in understanding sustainability in various aspects of business management

Outcome: This activity has acted as a platform through which the students exhibited their knowledge and skills for effective and inclusive multilateral cooperation. The students demonstrated cohesive working in a group and eloquently communicated how community can contribute to improving sustainability. This activity gave an opportunity to the students to present their ideas with confidence and lead the cooperation needed in the society through their shared values.