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Semi-Final – Student of the Year 2024

The Asian School of Business is proud to announce the semi-finals of the much-anticipated “Student of the Year 2024” competition. This event aims to foster holistic development in our students, and there could be no better platform than this prestigious competition. The vibrant and dynamic atmosphere was palpable as 50 talented semi-finalists from the 2021 batches competed fiercely to secure a place among the top ten finalists.

The enthusiasm among the students was evident from the high number of nominations received, which significantly boosted the event’s excitement. The nominees were divided into 10 groups, each guided by a mentor to prepare for the three challenging rounds: the IQ round, the sports round, and the talent/cultural round. These semi-final rounds were conducted on May 22, 2024.
The first round, the IQ round, was meticulously designed to assess the students’ reasoning abilities with precision and accuracy. Following this, focusing on talent and cultural skills, showcased a diverse array of activities, including contemporary and classical dance, musical performances, mimicry, acting, story narration, poetry recitation, gymnastics, clap boxing, monologues, face painting, and various forms of artwork. The third round, was the sports round tested their physical fitness and saw energetic and spirited participation from all competitors.

This semi-final round was a quest to discover the “all-rounder champion,” with students striving to earn this distinguished title and gain lifelong recognition. The competition provided a platform for students to hone their skills, offering a lifetime achievement that sets them apart from their peers. The grand winner of this mega event will receive a magnificent trophy and a prize grant or seed fund of Rs 1 lakh.

This event not only highlighted the multifaceted talents of our students but also underscored the importance of comprehensive development, making it a memorable and impactful experience for all participants.

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