“Student of the Year (SOTY)” is a platform for ASB students to hone their skills & shape as an all- rounder and ultimately get a chance to bag a PRIZE of “Rs. 3 Lacs” for GRANT/ SEED Fund.

Being in a competitive & dynamic industry, it is of utmost importance for a student today to hold multifaceted competencies.The vision behind this event is to reinforce the holistic development amongst our students, for them to become better resources for tomorrow. And hence this program would dwell in a student academic excellence, physical fitness, mental well-being, creativity, application-based business & managerial skills and above all, instil in them the right discipline to achieve professional excellence.

  1. The battle of the fittest mind would begin with their admission in ASB where each student would be given a chance to participate in ASB Start-Up Idea of the Year’22. India, being the third largest nation to witness the Unicorn Boom in the global arena, is a great opportunity for the young minds to channelize their creativity towards entrepreneurship. Students can come up with their innovative idea of starting up an entrepreneurial venture and the winner from this challenge would bag a direct entry to the finale of “Student of the Year (SOTY)” and win an Apple iPad.

  2. Taking the battle forward, each semester the students at ASB would be evaluated on the PROFESSIONAL ASSESSMENT SCORE (PAS) based on the academic score, attendance, participation in events & co-curricular activities, performance shown in Crafting Prodigy Program & discipline. The final scoring of the PAS will be displayed after every semester to keep the students racing towards the final goal.

(To be evaluated after every semester from 1st to IVth Semester)

Parameter Efficiency Score
(A)Academic Performance 80% & Above 40
75% – < 80% 30
> 70%- < 75% 20
60%-70% 10
Below 60% 0
Total Max Score (A) 40
(B) Co-Curricular & Club Events Participation in 50% or more events/activities per semester 8
Winning an event/activity Additional 2 (per event) and Max=4
Participation in less than 50% of the events/activities 0
Total Max Score (B) 12
(C) Sports & Cultural Activities Participation in 50% or more events/activities per semester 8


Winning an event/activity Additional 2 (per event) and Max=4
Participation in less than 50% of the events/activities 0
Total Max Score (C) 12
(D) Attendance 85% & above 10
75%-85% 5
Below 75% 0
Total Max Score (D) 10
(E) Bonus Points Winning any external event/exceptional performance at Internship/research publication etc.

*Achievement to be duly validated by the college

Additional 3 marks per achievement


and Max=6

(F) Dean/Head Recommendation Overall Achievements 10
(G) Crafter’s Score CPP/IDP Basis 5
(H) Dean-CRC Recommendation Overall Performance in CRC related activities 5
(T) Total of Maximum Scores T = A+B+C+D+E+F+G+H 100
(N) Negative Score Involvement in any discipline related issue -10 or disqualification from the event
Net Score  T-N  
  1. At the commencement of the final year, top 10 students with highest PAS score shall qualify for the GRAND FINALE of the Mega Event “ASB-SOTY”. The finale would entail to three levels: Sports Round, Talent Round and Business Plan Round.

  2. Student with the highest Cumulative Score in the GRAND FINALE based on Academic Performance, Cultural Activities/ Talent & Sports and Business Plan round shall be Judged as the ASB STUDENT OF THE YEAR

  3. The winner of SOTY shall bag a PRIZE of “Rs. 3 Lacs” for GRANT/ SEED Fund along with a shield and a Grand Trophy.

