
Model United Nations 2.0

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Speech has power. Words do not fade. What starts out as a sound, ends in a deed.” – Abraham Joshua Herschel In a world, as polarized as ours, diplomacy is often claimed as a dying art. Aiming to educate the students about current events, international relations, and diplomacy along with the knowledge of the world […]

ECOBIZ-Let’s embrace sustainability!

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The Entrepreneurship Development and Incubation Centre of the Asian School of Business is delighted to announce ‘Ecobiz’ – a live business event that unites the spirit of entrepreneurship with the spirit of giving! Concept of the event Incudes -students will be given an opportunity to create and sell eco-friendly products. The revenues earned through the […]

ECOBIZ-Let’s embrace sustainability!

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In today’s economic environment, where jobs are riddled with unpredictability, more and more people want to start something of their own. It’s possible that even you, who are reading this, have thought so. However, what eludes most people is how to start something of their own or how to become an entrepreneur? EDIC, the Entrepreneurship […]

Ecobiz: A live business competition at ASB

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Socrates, great philosopher, said, “The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old but building on the new.” The global world has expanded as the horizons have expanded. The changing times are not only causing structural changes, but also giving young minds wings. It’s not just the intent […]


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Utsav-The Cultural Club, at Asian School of Business, organised ‘Festive Togetherness’ on October 19th, 2022 at AEG premises with great enthusiasm and glory, much accentuated by the glorious competitions that included Dance Battle, Singing, Rangoli, and Painting Competition. Each competition was intended to bring out the inbuilt talents of the students, boost confidence, and enhance […]