Coronavirus (COVID-19) & Its Impact On BBA/BCA Education

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Unfortunate as it may sound, like many other sectors of the economy worldwide, Coronavirus COVID-19 is disrupting the Higher Education sector too. Almost all top global B-schools have moved their classes completely online. Convocations, Classes, International Exchanges and Program commencements have all been postponed across the world, including India. Although All India Management Association (AIMA) […]

Coronavirus Impact On BBA Colleges and Options Available with You

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The coronavirus pandemic is disrupting business schools and students globally. This includes BBA colleges as well. COVID-19 is closing campuses, disrupting study schedules, and creating a challenging environment for anyone considering a BBA or Bachelor of Business Administration degree. This has surely affected the BBA admission processes. But there’s also a bright side to the […]

ASB shifting BBA and BCA Classes Online Amid Coronavirus Threat–It’s Not Easy But We Are Determined

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In response to the novel coronavirus COVID-19, many colleges and universities worldwide have moved their teaching online. This simply means that students are still provided with the required number of class hours but without face-to-face contact with teachers. In India too, many colleges and universities have switched on the online mode of teaching. And, we […]