Mukund Bisht

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BBA 2015-18 “First of all thanks to Asian Education Group for encouraging me to participate and show my talent in front of everyone. I never knew that i will win ” Mr. Fresher” title. Trust me, this was something unexpected. Though somewhere deep down i wanted to win, but when i actually got it, that […]

Muneefa Shaikh

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BBA 2016-19 “A place to learn, a place to grow, an epitome of knowledge, this is what ABS is for me. A place where knowledge is borne with wisdom and the thrill to learn something new everyday and rediscover the real you.”


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Gnosis-The Literary Club organized a Debate Competition on 22th February 2017 for the BBA students. The competition was brilliantly organized by the young student coordinators. BBA 2nd and 4th Semester students participated with a lot of enthusiasm. The objective of this competition was to motivate all the students to learn the art of public speaking. […]